Donate Now
To make a one-time or recurring donation
To donate via stocks and securities
Maestro Al Fine: ($25,000 and above)
5 season subscriptions to the North or South Series
A dedicated reception for you, your guests, and orchestra musicians post-concert
Private dinner with at local restaurant for 2, plus Maestro Klein and his wife
Personal introduction to concert soloist by Maestro Klein
Listing in concert program book as a $25,000+ donor
Invitation to attend concert dress rehearsals
Invitation to season opening party with Maestro Klein
Signed PSO CD from your favorite concert of the season
Fortissimo: ($10,000 – $24,999)
2 season subscriptions to the North or South Series
Private lunch with 2 orchestra musicians at a local restaurant
Listing in concert program book as a 10,000+ donor
Invitation to attend concert dress rehearsals
Invitation to season opening party with Maestro Klein
Invitation to post-concert receptions
Signed PSO CD from your favorite concert of the season
Crescendo: ($5,000 – $9,999)
6 tickets to a concert
Listing in concert program book as a $5,000+ donor
Invitation to attend concert dress rehearsals
Invitation to season opening party with Maestro Klein
Invitation to post-concert receptions
Signed PSO CD from your favorite concert of the season
Presto: ($2,500 – $4,999)
4 tickets to a concert
Listing in concert program book as a $2,500+ donor
Invitation to attend concert dress rehearsals
Invitation to season opening party with Maestro Klein
Invitation to post-concert receptions
Signed PSO CD from your favorite concert of the season
Scherzo: ($1,000 – $2,499)
Listing in concert program book as a $1,000+ donor
Invitation to season opening party with Maestro Klein
Invitation to post-concert receptions
146 Main Street Suite 102
Los Altos, CA 94022
(650) 941-5291